Connie just put together a video course called "The Magic of You" that she's offering through a bundle with Chef AJ and Mellissa Maris. It comes out March 10th. What she talks about is how what we really are, deep down, is magic, and the expression of that magic is why we're here. We're here to discover the magic that we are and share it with the world.
That's kind of a big order. So, how do we find it and how do we express it?
Join us to hear more.
One thing is for sure, we don't find our magic with our rational thinking mind, with our brain. We find it when the mind relaxes and gets quiet. It's in a settled state of mind that we connect with this inner truth, the magic of who we are.
Connie points out that one of the first things to help a busy mind settle down is seeing that our experience of life is created from the inside-out, not the outside-in. It can look very much like our experience in a situation is the result of what's happening. That the circumstance we're in is creating our experience and the way we respond to it.
But if you look closely, you'll see that the same circumstance, like being cut off in traffic, say, doesn't always create the same experience. Sometimes I get annoyed when I'm cut off and other times it isn't a big deal at all. So, what's the difference? Same situation but very different response.
It isn't too hard to see that what's different is my state of mind when it occurs. That it is my state of mind that determines the nature of the thoughts and feelings that I have. It's really an inside job, although for the longest time it looked as if it was the circumstance that always made me feel the way I did.
Could it be that circumstances are neutral? And my experience of them is created by the thoughts I have about them at the time? That's something that Connie explores more deeply in the course.
Another point she shares in the series is that the real gold in life can be found in the difficulties in life. That as we learn to welcome what arises in our lives rather than resist it and try to push it away, we find freedom from pain and suffering and discover a richness we couldn't see before.
One other valuable point she makes is that the universe has our back. That everything that happens to us is a gift, pointing us to a deeper truth that we're able to see if we're willing to. If we can relate to what shows up in our lives, what the universe brings us, from a quiet, open and welcoming mind, our experience takes on more of a magical quality. Not unlike the experience a young child has in a playground, welcoming what comes up rather than wanting it to be different in order to be happy.
Keep in mind we don't live these things by trying, or modifying our behavior, or retraining our brain. We begin to live these things when we SEE that this is how life works, from the inside-out, not the outside-in.
And a real bonus is how, as we see life through this lens, we deepen in our understanding of it and deepen in the experience of the magical nature that we are... that life is.
If you'd like to explore this more, let us know in the comments section below and we can connect for a free 1-hour coaching / consultation session.
The recipe this week is Banana Macaroons. A far cry form the egg white, sugar and coconut macaroons my mother made, these coconut nuggets are made with all whole food, high-nutrient dense ingredients and taste every bit as good as my mother's. And they're quick to make. 15 minutes to prep and 15 minutes to bake.
To your Amazing Health,
Connie and Bill

Banana Macaroons makes 36 Macaroons
- ¾ cup almonds
- ½ cup (10 medium dates), pitted
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1¼ cups rolled oats
- ½ cup unsweetened coconut
Add almonds and dates to a food processor and process to a coarse chunkiness.
Add the bananas and blend in well.
Add oats and coconut and, again, process to blend in well, scraping down sides as needed. The longer you process the oats, the finer the texture.
Drop 1 tablespoon sized balls onto a silicone mat or parchment paper and tap them down a bit to look like a macaroon.
Bake at 350º for 15-20 minutes, until lightly browned on tops and bottom edge.